To cover an optimal device selection the gain block MMIC amplifier comes with a wide range of gain, over a wide frequency range and with different output power and IP3. 

LNA design in the frequency band of up to 8 GHz can be found. The linearity can be up to 47 dBm in OIP3 and P1dB up to 26dBm.

Wideband matched design over 30 to 4000 MHz including flat gain and low noise is available.

These components are used in wireless communication systems, such as TETRA, LTE, WLAN, GNSS, DVB, CATV, SMATV, ONU, Measurement equipment, and Optical receiver applications.

Reference design and evaluations kits are available for concept and performance testing.

Link to ASB gain blocks

Contact our department at +45 46 900 400 for further information >