Geomagnetic sensors
ALPSAPLINE offers the industry's highest azimuth accuracy, and lowest current consumption in an attractive small 1.6×1.6×0.65mm 8pin LGA package.
Applications, E-Compass ,Motion Sensing, IOT (Parking detection etc…)
•Smallest LGA package.
•Low Noise ( σ=0.3μT ).
•Low current consumption ( 573μA @ 100Hz ).
HSCDTD008A Specifications
Dynamic Range +/-2.4mT
Resolution 0.15 μT/LSB
Current consumption 573μA(ODR@100Hz)
Supply Voltage AVDD=1.7-3.6V
Interface I2C(SS/FS/FS+/HS)
RMS noise 0.3μT
Temperature characteristics 0.6μT/deg.C
Please visit ALPSALPINE website for Further details, or contact ACTE for the complete datasheet. ALPS HSCDTD008A
HSCDTD013A Specifications (Under development)
Dynamic Range +/-2.4mT
Resolution 0.075 μT/LSB
Current consumption 163μA(ODR@100Hz)
Supply Voltage 1.7-3.6V
Interface I2C or SPI
RMS noise 0.3μT
Temperature characteristics 0.1μT/deg.C
Please contact ACTE for further details
Contact our department at +45 46 900 400 for further information >